Super Falling Fred

Super Falling Fred



5.0 (1485 Reviews)

mbark on an extraordinary adventure where your wits and reflexes are your ultimate weapons. Navigate through treacherous mazes, solve enigmatic puzzles, and outsmart cunning adversaries in a thrilling test of skill. With each level conquered, your prowess grows, unlocking new challenges that will push your abilities to their limits. Whether you're a seasoned puzzle master or a newcomer seeking a mind-bending experience, prepare to be captivated by a game that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.


* Spin the wheel to earn points.
* Land on a colored segment to move your token along the corresponding track.
* Complete a track to win a bonus.
* Avoid landing on traps or obstacles that deduct points.
* The first player to reach the finish line wins.
* How many players can play? Up to 4 players.
* What happens if you land on the same segment as another player? The higher-ranked player takes the points.
* Can you spin the wheel twice in a row? No, each player takes turns spinning the wheel.
* What is the bonus for completing a track? You earn extra points and a free spin.
* What is the penalty for landing on a trap? You lose points and move your token back.




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